Return to Learn: Plan for a Safe Return 2020-2021

Return to Learn: Plan for a Safe Return 2020-2021

FAQ: NNPS Employees

Posted: October 19, 2020

The purpose of this communication is to provide NNPS employees with important information regarding return to in-person work. Thank you for remaining committed to our students and families.

While the FAQs below address some of the more pressing questions that employees may have at this time, we encourage anyone with additional questions to submit them to the Human Resources Department through email at

1. Are Employee Assistance services available to NNPS staff?

All NNPS employees and their family members have free confidential support through the Optima Employee Assistance Program ( The login is "NNPS".

Optima EAP has licensed clinical professionals who are available to help. For confidential appointments, call 1-800-899-8174 or 757-363-6777 . Optima EAP will be utilizing telephonic and virtual counseling services, if requested, on a case-by-case basis. They offer a resource platform that can help keep you informed about the coronavirus, and provide guidance on how to remain healthy and deal with the emotional impacts of the outbreak.

2. I am at an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 as defined by the CDC, care for family members who are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or have childcare challenges due to COVID-19 that will prohibit my ability to return to work in-person. What are the options for my situation?

In July, we requested staff to complete an intent form with information regarding their ability to return for in-person instruction. Although we don't have a timeline yet, it is possible that we may return some students and staff to school in-person prior to the end of the semester. Therefore, if for some reason, you have not already submitted your documentation to Human Resources and you will be prohibited from returning in-person due to an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 as defined by the CDC, care for family members who are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or have childcare challenges due to COVID-19, you must complete request forms which may include medical documentation. Appropriate forms should be submitted to Human Resources for any of these requests by November 6, 2020 so that planning can continue.

View information regarding available leave and work accommodation options (Families First Act leave, Family Medical leave, COVID-19 Work accommodations and ADA accommodations). If you have any questions or if you need additional information, please contact Human Resources at or 757-881-5061.

3. What if I get sick with COVID symptoms or am directly exposed to someone with COVID-19?

You should immediately contact your supervisor who will reach out to the COVID Response team. The Health Services Department will contact you and provide directions for staying at home, the Human Resources Department will work with you regarding the leave available to you to cover these absences and Plant Services will take care of any additional cleaning needs at your site.

Anyone at a site where there is a confirmed positive case will be provided written notification of the existence of a positive case. However, anyone who has direct contact, defined as closer than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes without a mask, will be contacted by Health Services and provided directions regarding any required isolation.

4. If I contract or test positive for the Coronavirus, during the time we are required to go back into the school building, does the quarantine time period come out of my sick days?

If you contract COVID-19, the Family First Act provides for 10 paid sick days to cover the quarantine period. As needs arise, Human Resources will work with the individual employee regarding available leave options. Additional information can be found on the HR website, or you can contact Human Resources at or 757-881-5061 if you have any additional questions.

5. What if I don't have child care for my children or am not comfortable with the options available to me?

You may request to teach virtually and should indicate that you have made this request based on child care needs. The form can be found on the Human Resources website.

6. Will I lose my job if I indicate I have a medical condition that requires me to teach virtually this first semester?

No, your request is seen as a medical accommodation and if approved you will be temporarily reassigned to teach virtually for the remainder of the semester.

7. Am I guaranteed a virtual position if I have a medical condition?

Teachers who have provided medical documentation, will be the first teachers assigned to teach virtually. The number of teachers who can teach virtually will be dictated by the number of students requesting virtual learning.