Family Tips for Virtual Learning
This NNPS-TV video series will help you learn how to optimize your student's learning space and to help them effectively use their time.
NNPS Hybrid Learning
Newport News Public Schools Hybrid Learning 2021
Virtual Learning at NNPS
Virtual Learning Schedules
Preschool |
Elementary |
Middle |
High School
Elementary School | Middle & High School
During its special meeting on August 5, 2020, the Newport News School Board voted for all students to begin the school year with virtual learning during the first quarter. School division leadership provided details on the Return to Learn plan, which emphasizes educating and developing students, as well as the school division’s commitment to health and safety. (Update: Phase II Plan)
The elementary school academic plan has been revised to include learning modules that will review and reinforce content that was not covered before mid-March when schools transitioned to virtual learning under the Governor’s order. At all levels, students will engage in four days of at-home learning with some live, virtual instruction from teachers, and one day of independent learning. Virtual instruction may include live video conferencing with a teacher, pre-recorded video lessons to view, and independent work that students will complete on the Canvas learning management system, and/or projects that allow for voice and choice in student assignments.
Newport News Public Schools is committed to ensuring that every student can participate in virtual learning. All students in kindergarten through 12th grade will be issued a Chromebook for the 2020-2021 school year. Due to manufacturer delays, the new Chromebooks for elementary school students may not arrive until December. In the interim, the Technology Department will make loaner Chromebooks available to elementary families who don’t already have a device at home that students can use for virtual learning. Chromebook distribution is underway; click here for more information or contact your child’s school.
The CoNNected @Home Program provides resources to help NNPS students and their families connect to the Internet, engage and succeed. The program will provide mobile Wi-Fi hotspots to eligible students who don’t have reliable access to the Internet off-campus. The hotspots, which will be provided at no cost to eligible families, will give students access to learning anywhere, anytime. NNPS will also assist parents/guardians with applying for low or no-cost Internet solutions for your student(s). Learn more and apply.
Families who need assistance in completing the CoNNected application can contact the Technology Help Desk by phone Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (757) 928-6979. The Help Desk is also available by e-mail at
To read more about virtual learning, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.
Return to Learn Plan
Newport News Public Schools will implement its Return to Learn Plan based on the state's updated and consolidated Interim Guidance for Reopening PreK-12 Schools released on January 14, 2021 and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) three core indicators (mitigation assessment, 14 day case incidence and/or test positivity) to assess the risk of transmission in schools and to inform decisions about school programming. When students return to-person instruction, the school division will also follow the Virginia Department of Health's recommendation to consider the level of impact of COVID-19 transmission on a specific school.
Health & Safety
The goal of Newport News Public Schools’ Health Services Department is to provide a healthy school environment to foster greater academic achievement and healthier lives for students and staff.
Before any students can return to school, each school division is required to submit a health plan to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). The NNPS plan outlines the school division’s plans for student and staff health monitoring; communication plan with staff, students and families; preparation of student health services; promoting behaviors that reduce the spread of COVID-19; hygiene practices; protecting vulnerable individuals and preparing for when someone gets sick. Newport News Public Schools submitted its health plan to the VDOE on July 17, 2020.
The NNPS health plan addresses daily health screenings, physical distancing on buses and in classrooms, social distancing; cleaning and disinfecting, the use of face coverings; and restricts mixing groups of students, large gatherings and the use of communal spaces (cafeterias, gyms, auditoriums).
Classroom Wellness Supplies
Classroom wellness supplies will be delivered to all schools. Each classroom will receive two bottles of hand sanitizer, a tub of disinfectant wipes, anti-bacterial hand soap, and a supply of disposable masks. Classrooms will be restocked when these items run low.
Air Circulation
A building's heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system provides clean air by bringing outside air into the building and filtering the air. The organization that provides regulatory guidance for HVAC systems, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommends five air changes per hour; this is a standard supported by Harvard Healthy Buildings, a program of the Harvard University School of Public Health. In buildings where there are relatively new HVAC systems, NNPS is meeting this standard. In other NNPS buildings where HVAC systems are not able to meet this standard, the Plant Services team is implementing two options to improve ventilation in classrooms.
For classrooms and offices that have windows, opening them just a small amount can increase the air exchanges, but the team knows some buildings do not have windows or the windows are not operable, and on some days, the weather does not permit this option. To address the need for increased ventilation in classrooms, NNPS has purchased portable air purifiers for each classroom in all buildings where the HVAC system does not meet the ASHRAE standard. These air purifiers have HEPA filters which remove small particles to include viruses and bacteria from the air.
Daily Health Screenings
View daily health screening questionnaires for students, staff, and visitors.
Students: All parents/guardians will be asked to conduct a health screening of their child each day (daily health questionnaire) before the child reports to school or boards a school bus. Before leaving home, parents/guardians will ensure that their child does not have a fever or have any other symptoms of COVID–19 and has not been exposed to anyone who exhibits symptoms of the virus.
Staff: All NNPS staff will be required to ensure that they do not have a fever or any other COVID–19 symptoms and have not been exposed to anyone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 before reporting to work.
Students and staff with a temperature above 100.4 degrees, and/or who are exhibiting any possible signs of illness including a cough or body aches, should not report to school or work until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications, show improvement in respiratory symptoms, and can ensure that 10 days have passed since their symptoms first appeared.
To ensure the health and safety of all, students, parents/guardians and Staff should:
- Stay home when sick
- Wear a cloth face covering
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Practice proper hand hygiene
- Maintain physical distancing
- Answer the daily health questionnaire before leaving for school or work
Throughout the school year, Health Services staff will educate staff, students, and families about COVID-19 and mitigating its spread.
COVID Response
Clear, documented procedures have been created for a presumptive or confirmed COVID case and positive health screening within NNPS.
A separate COVID isolation room will be available in each school for students or staff showing symptoms of COVID–19; parents MUST arrange for child to be transported home as soon as possible. Disposable masks will be provided to those presumed to be infected and isolation rooms will be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
Health Services staff will communicate directly with the local health district, as required. If a positive case has been identified and verified by the local health district. Health Services staff will communicate the next steps to all identified contacts as recommended by the health district.
Return to class/work protocols: Following a presumptive or confirmed case of COVID-19, students and staff may return to class and work if fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and if there has been improvement in symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath), and if at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
A healthcare practitioner's notice to return to school is required in accordance with NNPS policy.
Timeline for the At-home Test
Students and Staff with COVID-19 Symptoms: The test may be taken at any time. If the test result is negative, the student or staff person can return to school or work if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication and with an improvement in symptoms. Parent and staff should report a positive test result to the school nurse or a supervisor as soon as possible.
Face Coverings and PPE
Face Coverings: All NNPS students and staff will be required to wear a face covering while on the bus and inside the building if social distancing is not possible unless the student or staff member is medically exempt.
Disposable masks will be provided to students and staff who are unable to provide their own or if they do not have a face covering upon entering the building or boarding the school bus.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Staff members who need gloves or other protective equipment will be provided these items. Examples of other protective equipment include face shields and gowns for health services staff and other staff where their work requires it to be safe.
Physical Distancing
All students and staff are expected to maintain a six-foot physical distance. Classrooms will be reconfigured to ensure that students engaged with in-person learning will be seated at least six feet apart at desks or tables to the maximum extent possible in classrooms.
As mandated by the Virginia Department of Education, one-on-one assessments and evaluations may be required for certain students; in these cases, teachers and staff will be required to wear masks and face shields. If a six-foot distance cannot be maintained during small group instruction, teachers and staff are required to wear masks and face shields.
To minimize group interaction, students will eat breakfast and lunch in the classroom.
School bus routes and schedules will be adjusted to allow for one student on each seat and masks will be required.
Back-to-school events, including open house nights, will be held electronically.
Cleaning Protocols
Newport News Public Schools’ cleaning schedules and practices comply with current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Virginia Department of Health guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting public facilities.
Cleaning and sanitizing will occur daily. All frequently touched areas including doors, countertops, knobs, hand railings and windows will be cleaned throughout the day while buildings are occupied. A deep cleaning and disinfecting will occur twice weekly in all schools and offices.
As a preventative measure, all water fountains will be wrapped to prevent public use. Students and staff will be encouraged to bring their own bottled water.
Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available at the main entrance of each facility and at other locations throughout our schools and offices.
In addition, bus drivers will clean and sanitize buses following each route. Community use of school division facilities during non-school hours will be restricted.
Teaching & Learning
Newport News Public Schools is dedicated to providing high quality instruction to all students. All instruction and assignments will follow the Virginia Standards of Learning and align to the written, taught, and assessed curriculum to promote continuous learning.
During the 2020-2021 school year, the school division is expanding its one-to-one technology initiative to provide a Chromebook for every student in kindergarten through 12th grade to support learning in-person and online.
Students engage in four days of at-home virtual learning with teacher support, and one day of independent learning.
Students work independently on Wednesdays except for small group instruction for identified students.
Class sizes are larger because learning is virtual and CDC guidelines do not apply.
Instruction is facilitated by teachers using the Canvas Learning Management System.
Students complete and submit assignments in Canvas.
Teachers provide student feedback and/or post grades weekly.
Teachers differentiate instruction to include enrichment and innovative lessons that provide student voice and choice in learning.
Virtual Learning Schedule
During the 2020-2021 school year, Newport News Public Schools is expanding its one-to-one technology initiative to provide a Chromebook for every student in kindergarten through 12th grade to support learning in-person and online.
Access to Computers
- 1:1 Chromebooks for every student in Grades K-12
- For use in school and at home
- Familiar and easy to use platform
- Full implementation at all grade levels by second semester
To support blended learning, NNPS has accelerated our digital transformation plans and purchased enough Chromebooks so that every student in grades K-12 can have a device. Chromebooks are a familiar platform to NNPS students, as they are currently used in all grade levels and content areas.
With school districts around the globe transitioning to online learning in response to the pandemic, the demand for student computers has never been higher. At the same time, supply-chain problems in the Spring have made it even more difficult for computer manufacturers to keep up with that demand. As a result, some of the devices we’ve purchased may not arrive in our schools until December.
- Devices for secondary school students will be ready for distribution at the beginning of the school year.
- Chromebooks for elementary school students will be ready for distribution in December. In the interim, loaner devices will be made available for elementary school students who don’t have access to a computer at home.
Distribution of Chromebooks
High School: Distribution of Chromebooks will take place for high school students August 10-13. Schools will notify students and families by phone and e-mail when a pick-up schedule is established.
Middle School: Distribution of Chromebooks to middle school students will take place August 17-20. Schools will notify students and families by phone and e-mail when a pick-up schedule is established.
Elementary Schools: August 24-27 (loaner devices)
Pre-K: more information coming soon!
CoNNected @Home Program
- Eligible families will receive no-cost options to connect to the Internet
- Application will be available in early August
- All NNPS families can receive assistance in applying for low-cost Internet access
Because NNPS is committed to ensuring that every student can participate in online learning, both on and off campus, we are launching our CoNNected @Home program.
Data from the State and the City indicates that approximately 20% of the families in Newport News may not have reliable access to the Internet. Our own experiences following the COVID-19 closures confirmed those estimates.
With that in mind, NNPS will provide mobile wi-fi hotspots to eligible students who might not otherwise have reliable access to the Internet. The hotspots, which will be provided at no-cost to eligible families, will empower students to access learning anywhere, anytime. To keep our students safe online, the same stringent content filtering is applied regardless of how or where the student connects to the Internet.
Families not meeting the eligibility requirements for no-cost Internet can still receive assistance in applying for low-cost Internet solutions through this program.
We will be sharing more information with our families in the coming weeks and we’ll begin accepting applications for this program in early August.
Canvas Learning Management System
To support virtual and blended in-person and online learning, NNPS is implementing Canvas, a new learning management system. The Canvas Learning Management Platform allows NNPS to build an interactive, blended and digital learning environment that meets the unique needs of each student. Canvas operates as a virtual classroom. Instruction for both learning models will be facilitated by teachers with Canvas.
Canvas gives teachers the opportunity to deliver virtual instruction and assignments in one organized space, track student progress and post grade assignments. Students will be able to submit their work in a variety of ways (text box, discussion, file upload) and receive teacher feedback, track assignments due, access organized class materials by course, and connect and communicate with other teachers, students, and parents.
Students with Disabilities
Link & Learn Webinar: Preparing for a Successful Virtual Learning Experience
In order to ensure equitable access to educational opportunities and the provision of a free and appropriate education for students with disabilities, NNPS has developed the following guidelines to support the unique needs of students with disabilities which are aligned with the Virginia Department of Education's and the CDC Guidance for Schools. In each reopening phase, specialized instruction and related services will be provided to students according to their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) using multiple formats for the delivery of instruction.
- General Curriculum (includes students with emotional disabilities, specific learning disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities): Students who receive services primarily in the general education setting (collaborative & resource) will participate in instruction following the plan established for their general education peers.
- Adapted Curriculum (includes self-contained students with moderate intellectual disabilities, severe intellectual disability and autism): In-person instruction will be provided to the maximum extent possible.
- Students identified as hearing impaired or visually impaired will receive in-person instruction; they may also require a hybrid model to permit continued participation in scheduled general education classes meeting virtually (if model for general education peers includes virtual instruction).
Gifted Services
The Department of Gifted Services provides a variety of programs designed to meet the needs of students with exceptional intellectual abilities from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Gifted Services instructional program is designed around the learning styles and cognitive characteristics of gifted children.
Instruction will be provided for hybrid learning and virtual learning. Primary gifted students will be grouped in classes with a P-TAG teacher at school.
The Governor's School for Science and Technology will use Canvas and all teaching sessions will be recorded so students have 24 hour access to instruction. Mentorships will continue to be conducted virtually unless they can be held safely in-person by the CDC safeguards. View more information about the Governor's School.
English as a Second Language
Language Instructional Education Programs (LIEP) for English Learners (ELs) will continue through each school reopening phase in order to ensure that ELs are continuing to develop English language skills and receive support in academic courses. In addition, accommodations will be provided to ELs according to their English Learner Support (ELS) plan while all teachers work to differentiate the learning for ELs in their classes.
Newcomers: ELs in the specialized Newcomer program will be provided in-person instruction to the maximum extent possible in phases II and III. This may include a hybrid model of in-person and virtual instruction. When in-person instruction is not an option, Newcomers will participate in a structured virtual learning experience guided by their teacher online throughout the learning day.
English Language Development (ELD): ELs in the ELD programs will be provided in-person instruction to the maximum extent possible in phases II and III. These students receive language instruction and support in a variety of models such as small group language instruction, whole class language and academic support, and collaboratively taught classes. Students will continue to participate in their ELD groups/classes following a similar mode established for general education peers.
Social & Emotional Learning
In an effort to promote social emotional competencies, positive behaviors and mental health well-being for all students, NNPS has developed the following plans for Phase I, II, and III that will support social emotional learning and mental health of staff and students. School Psychologists, School Social Workers, Student Support Specialists and Mental Health Care Clinicians will provide social, emotional, mental health care and support services, within the school setting, that are aligned with VDOE's Phased Guidance for Virginia Schools and CASEL Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: SEL Roadmap for Reopening School.
School Counseling
School Counselors will schedule face-to-face and virtual sessions with students. Sessions will consist of both individual and small groups.
Click here for school and community resources or call your school counselor.
Activities & Extended Learning
In-person clubs and activities may be held with physical distancing; virtual club meetings and activities are encouraged.
Co-curricular activities will be conducted (in-person or virtually) based on current state guidelines and protocols established by the regional, state, or national organization sponsoring the event.
On July 27, The Virginia High School League announced a delay in the start of the sport seasons:
- Winter sports (basketball, gymnastics, indoor track, swimming/diving and wrestling) will take place December 14 – February 20; first contest date is December 28
- Fall sports (cheer, cross country, field hockey, football, golf and volleyball) have been moved to February 15 – May 1; first contest is March 1
- Spring sports (baseball, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis and track & field) will take place April 12 – June 26; first contest is April 26
NNPS is working to establish a student athlete conditioning schedule in compliance with the Virginia High School League, the Virginia Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
Student Meal Service
Meal Service for Virtual Learners
Meal Service (en español)
Summer Meal Service for Children, Teens
6/22/2021 - The NNPS Child Nutrition Services Department will provide meals-to-go for all youth 18 and under this summer.
Curbside meals-to-go are available at the following school locations Monday through Thursday from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.:
- Carver Elementary School, 6160 Jefferson Avenue
- Charles Elementary School, 701 Menchville Road
- Deer Park Elementary School, 11541 Jefferson Avenue
- Greenwood Elementary School, 13460 Woodside Lane
- Yates Elementary, 73 Maxwell Lane
Newport News Public Schools is also offering mobile meals-to-go service 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Families should look for the familiar yellow bus at the following locations:
- Doris Miller Community Center, 2814 Wickham Avenue
- Marshall Courts Recreation Center, 3301 Marshall Avenue
- Hogan Drive, Commercial Place behind WaWa
- Lee's Mill Community, Corner of Lee's Mill Drive and Charles Street
Hybrid Learning Option
To minimize interaction when students attend school in-person, students will eat breakfast and lunch in the classroom at their desk or table.
Elementary Schools:
- All meals will be delivered to the classroom. Breakfast snacks will be prepackaged, and students will receive a choice of milk or 100% juice.
- At lunchtime, students may choose a hot or cold option and a beverage.
Middle Schools:
- Breakfast snacks and a beverage will be served from a kiosk in the hallway. Students will maintain social distancing during meal service.
- For lunch, students may choose a hot or cold option and a beverage. Based on the number of students in attendance, meals may be delivered to the classroom or students may go to the cafeteria to pick up their lunch at an assigned time.
High Schools:
- Breakfast snacks and a beverage will be served from a kiosk in the hallway. Students will maintain social distancing during meal service.
- For lunch, students may choose a hot or cold option and a beverage. Based on the number of students in attendance, meals may be picked up from a kiosk in the hallway or students may go to the cafeteria to pick up their lunch at an assigned time.
Take-Home Meals:
- Students receiving in-person instruction at school two days a week as part of the hybrid learning option will be served meals-to-go for the days they are out of school.
- Students attending school on the Monday/Tuesday schedule will receive three breakfast snacks and three lunches on Tuesday as they leave school.
- Students attending school on the Thursday/Friday schedule will receive three breakfast snacks and three lunches on Friday as they leave school.
Student Transportation
Newport News Public Schools will provide bus transportation for students to and from school in each reopening phase in compliance with CDC guidelines.
To ensure social distancing, buses will only be able to transport approximately 20-30 students at a time (one student per seat) and all students and drivers must wear masks. Bus drivers may need to make several trips back and forth to school to carry all students who need bus transportation to and from school on their designated days of attendance.
Drivers will clean and sanitize buses following each route.
NNPS will work with families to ensure that students arrive at school safely and on time.